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What is the power level of QSFP?
Knowledge Base + 2024.01.09

The power level of a QSFP (Quad Small Form-Factor Pluggable) transceiver can vary depending on the specific type and configuration of the module. Different QSFP modules may have different power consumption levels based on factors such as data rate, the number of lanes, and the type of application.

As of my last knowledge update in January 2022, here are some general considerations regarding power levels for QSFP transceivers:

  1. QSFP+ (10 Gbps per lane): QSFP+ modules, operating at 10 Gbps per electrical lane, typically have power consumption levels in the range of a few watts.

  2. QSFP28 (25 Gbps per lane): QSFP28 modules, operating at 25 Gbps per electrical lane, may have higher power consumption compared to QSFP+. The power consumption can vary but is generally higher due to the increased data rate.

  3. QSFP56 (50 Gbps per lane): QSFP56 modules, operating at 50 Gbps per electrical lane, may have higher power consumption compared to QSFP28. The higher data rate often results in increased power requirements.

  4. QSFP-DD (25 Gbps or 50 Gbps per lane, depending on the configuration): QSFP-DD modules, with double the number of lanes compared to traditional QSFP modules, can have varying power levels depending on the specific configuration and data rate.

It's essential to check the datasheet and specifications provided by the manufacturer of a particular QSFP module to obtain accurate information on its power consumption. The power consumption is typically specified in terms of both the maximum power consumption and the typical power consumption under normal operating conditions.

Additionally, advancements in technology may lead to the development of more power-efficient QSFP modules over time. Always refer to the latest documentation and specifications when evaluating the power characteristics of specific QSFP transceivers.
