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What is the maximum distance that an SFP transceiver can transmit data?
Knowledge Base + 2023.11.28

The maximum distance an SFP transceiver can transmit data depends on a number of factors, including the type of fiber used and the wavelength.

Multimode SFPs offer a solution for short distances, with their most common wavelength being 850nm and a maximum transmission distance of 550 meters. If longer transmission distances are required, you can choose multimode SFPs with 1310nm wavelength, which can reach a maximum transmission distance of 2km.

For long distance transmission, single mode SFP is a better choice. It can transmit distances from 10km to 200km, depending on the wavelength and fiber type used. The standard 1310nm LX SFP can reach a distance of 10km, while the extended 1310nm EX SFP can reach a distance of 40km. Similarly, the standard 1550nm ZX SFP can reach up to 80km while the extended 1550nm ZX SFP can reach up to 160km. When using different wavelengths, BiDi SFPs can have transmission distances ranging from 10km to 160km.

It should be noted that the actual transmission distance is also affected by factors such as fiber quality, environmental conditions and data rate. Therefore, it is very important to choose the right SFP module and fiber type for your application needs.
