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Summary of common problems in the use of optical modules
Knowledge Base + 2023.12.12

First, what are the common problems in the use of optical modules?

1, the causes of compatibility problems:

A. Errors in the process of compatibility code import;

B, the software update of the device leads to the original unupgraded compatibility code can not work;

C. Coding errors;

2、The reasons that cause the product to lose packets:

A. Mismatch between the optical module and the electronic function circuit of the equipment;

B. Mismatch between the main chip and the equipment;

C, physical line failure;

D, equipment failure;

E. Routing information error;

3, the causes of optical link failure:

Fiber optic connector end face pollution or failure, due to the pollution and damage of the optical interface caused by the optical link loss becomes larger, resulting in the optical link is not available.

A, fiber optic connectors in the installation, commissioning and maintenance of the network, often through a number of insertion and removal process. Optical module optical port is exposed to the environment, the optical port has dust entering and pollution.

B, the use of fiber optic connector end face has been contaminated or the use of poor-quality fiber optic connectors, optical module optical port secondary pollution; poor-quality optical modules will not be able to pass, packet loss, transmission instability, light attenuation and other issues.

C, due to the operator does not pay attention to the protection of the connector end face, resulting in contamination of the fiber optic end face, thus affecting the optical link transmission performance degradation, which can seriously lead to the paralysis of the entire fiber optic link;

Note: If the optical module is not in use, it must be covered with a good dust cap to avoid dust contamination, if there is no dust cap or dust cap loss can also be replaced by optical fiber, insert the optical fiber into the optical port. And will be placed in the appropriate location of the optical module.

4, the reasons for ESD damage:

ESD damage, static electricity will adsorb dust, change the impedance between the lines, affecting the function and life of the product.

Summary of common problems in the use of optical modules

Some people say that the optical module is like a child's face, "soft a pinch on the red", is a more sensitive optical devices, in the use of the process will often be a lot of problems in this paper will be some of the common problems of the optical module is summarized, there is a need for partners to collect and learn it!

First, what are the common problems in the use of optical modules?

1, the reasons for compatibility problems:

A, compatibility code import process errors;

B, the software update of the device leads to the original unupgraded compatibility code can not work;

C. Coding errors;

2、The reasons that cause the product to lose packets:

A. Mismatch between the optical module and the electronic function circuit of the equipment;

B. Mismatch between the main chip and the equipment;

C, physical line failure;

D, equipment failure;

E. Routing information error;

3, the causes of optical link failure:

Fiber optic connector end face pollution or failure, due to the pollution and damage of the optical interface caused by the optical link loss becomes larger, resulting in the optical link is not available.

A, fiber optic connectors in the installation, commissioning and maintenance of the network, often through a number of insertion and removal process. Optical module optical port is exposed to the environment, the optical port has dust entering and pollution.

B, the use of fiber optic connector end face has been contaminated or the use of poor-quality fiber optic connectors, optical module optical port secondary pollution; poor-quality optical modules will not be able to pass, packet loss, transmission instability, light attenuation and other issues.

C, due to the operator does not pay attention to the protection of the connector end face, resulting in contamination of the fiber optic end face, thus affecting the optical link transmission performance degradation, which can seriously lead to the paralysis of the entire fiber optic link;

Note: If the optical module is not in use, it must be covered with a good dust cap to avoid dust contamination, if there is no dust cap or dust cap loss can also be replaced by optical fiber, insert the optical fiber into the optical port. And will be placed in the appropriate location of the optical module.

4, the reasons for ESD damage:

ESD damage, static electricity will adsorb dust, change the impedance between the lines, affecting the function and life of the product.

A. Dry environment, easy to generate ESD;

B, incorrect operation, such as: hot-swap optical module charged operation; do not do electrostatic protection direct hand contact with the optical module electrostatic sensitive gold finger or shell; transportation and storage process is not anti-static packaging;

C, the equipment is not grounded or poor grounding;

Second, the optical module in the use of precautions

1, optical module wavelength, mode mismatch: the wavelength of the optical module needs to be matched at each end, the wavelength mismatch may lead to data loss in the transmission process. In addition, the working mode of the optical module should also be matched at both ends, and the full-duplex optical module should be paired with the full-duplex optical module.

2, transmit and receive optical power is too high or too low: check the optical power of the optical module of the opposite end of the device is normal, the value of the transmit optical power should not be less than the minimum optical power value.

3, fiber mismatch: single-mode optical module corresponds to single-mode fiber, multi-mode optical module corresponds to multi-mode fiber.

4, fiber optic module gold finger damage: gold finger damage or scratch will cause the fiber optic module can not be used normally.
