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Oscilloscope Voltage Probe Accuracy Analysis Details
Knowledge Base + 2023.11.27

Oscilloscope voltage probe is a commonly used measurement tool in the field of electronic measurement, which is used to measure the voltage signal in the circuit. Its accuracy directly affects the accuracy of the measurement results. In this article, we will introduce the precision analysis of the oscilloscope voltage probe in detail to help readers better understand the performance of the device so that they can make accurate measurements in practical applications.


First, the operating principle of the oscilloscope voltage probe

Oscilloscope voltage probe by the measured circuit signal to the oscilloscope input, through amplification, filtering and other processing, the signal will be displayed on the oscilloscope screen. Its working principle is based on the principle of voltage division, that is, the voltage of the circuit under test is multiplied by the voltage division coefficient of the probe itself to obtain the voltage value displayed on the screen of the oscilloscope.

Second, the precision parameters of the oscilloscope voltage probe

The accuracy of oscilloscope voltage probe mainly includes parameters such as resolution, sensitivity, linearity and bandwidth.

1. resolving power: the resolving power of the oscilloscope voltage probe refers to the smallest voltage change it can display. High resolution can show smaller signal changes and improve the accuracy of the measurement. 2.

2. Sensitivity: The sensitivity of an oscilloscope voltage probe refers to the amount of output change per unit voltage. The higher the sensitivity, the smaller the impact of the probe on the circuit, and can more accurately measure the voltage signal.

3. Linearity: The linearity of an oscilloscope voltage probe refers to the degree of linear relationship between the output and input within the measurement range. Better linearity can improve the accuracy of the measurement.

4. Bandwidth: The bandwidth of an oscilloscope voltage probe refers to the highest frequency range it can measure. The wider the bandwidth, the more high-frequency signals the probe can measure, the wider the scope of application.

Third, the method of improving the accuracy of the oscilloscope voltage probe

In order to improve the accuracy of the oscilloscope voltage probe, the following measures can be taken:

1. Select the appropriate probe: different measurement scenarios require different probes, select the appropriate probe type according to the characteristics of the circuit under test to ensure the accuracy of the measurement.

2. calibrate the probe: calibrate the oscilloscope voltage probe regularly to eliminate errors caused by prolonged use or other factors to ensure the accuracy of the measurement results.

3. Use accessories: In the actual measurement, you can use some accessories such as attenuators, filters, etc. to improve the performance and accuracy of the oscilloscope voltage probe.

Fourth, oscilloscope voltage probe common application areas

Oscilloscope voltage probes are widely used in electronics, communications, electric power, automotive and other fields, used to measure the voltage signal in the circuit, to help engineers carry out fault analysis, signal capture and other work.

1. Electronics: Oscilloscope voltage probes play an important role in the design, maintenance and testing of electronic products, and are used to measure various signal waveforms in circuits.

2. Communication field: Oscilloscope voltage probes are widely used in the research and development, debugging and maintenance of communication equipment, used to measure the quality, amplitude, frequency and other parameters of the signal.

3. Power field: Oscilloscope voltage probes are used in the fault analysis and maintenance of power systems to help engineers quickly and accurately locate fault points.

4. Automotive field: Oscilloscope voltage probes play a key role in the fault diagnosis and repair of automotive electronic systems, helping technicians to find and solve problems.

To summarize, the precision of oscilloscope voltage probes is crucial to the accuracy of measurement. By understanding its working principle, accuracy parameters and ways to improve accuracy, we can better apply the oscilloscope voltage probe to measure and analyze circuit signals and realize efficient and accurate work.
