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How to Deal with a Forgotten Console Password on Ruijie Switches
Knowledge Base + 2024.01.27

一、Network Requirements

If the administrator forgets the login password and cannot access the configuration mode for setup, then the use of a configuration cable to enter the CTRL layer for password recovery is necessary.

二、Network Topology


三、Configuration Key Points

        1.To perform password recovery, prepare a configuration cable (console cable). During the password recovery process, the device needs to be restarted to complete the operation in the CTRL layer.

        2.During the password recovery process, it is important to rename files rather than deleting them. Deleting files could result in configuration loss.

四、Configuration Steps

Password Recovery Process:

1、Connect the device's console port using a configuration cable.

2、Configure the network device using a super terminal. Refer to the "Routine Maintenance > Device Login > Console Login" section.

1)Manually restart the device.

2)When the Ctrl+C prompt appears, simultaneously press the CTRL key and the C key on the keyboard.


3)Execute the command: rename config.text config.bak to rename config.text as config.bak.


4)Execute the load command to load the main program.


5)After restart, restore the configuration file.

Ruijie>enable -----> Enter privileged mode ; Ruijie#copy config.bak config.text

If the above command returns an error, use the following command to restore the configuration file: Ruijie#copy flash:config.bak flash:config.text Then use the following command to make the configuration effective: Ruijie#copy startup-config running-config


6)Change the password.

Use the following command to enter global configuration mode: 


Then follow the instructions in the figure below.


五、Function Verification 

Re-login to the switch using the new username and password to confirm successful login.

Additional Learning Hub Resources 

SC interface optical module some knowledge 

Common Cisco Optical Module Models 

Common Models of Ruijie Optical Module 
